Saturday 23 July 2011

The Scotland trip - Day 2 - Edinburgh

Argh. I am awake. Maybe I should just pretend that I am still asleep. Maybe my body will fall for that ruse...

... maybe it won’t. I get up, dawdle about, take a shower and get dressed. It's my holidays. I can do whatever I want whenever I want. As long as it is legal.

I am hungry. And there is a place that I'd like to go and have my breakfast: the pretty popular Elephant House. They open at 9:00. 15 minutes to go.
Me and my stomach grumble in unison. 

By 8:55, there's a throng of hungry looking people loitering around the still closed doors. Some take pictures. Most of them are waiting for the doors to open.

Plaque at the Elephant House

With a two minutes delay, the doors swing open. The hungry tourists swamp the place quicker than I can say ravenous. Then I realize that my stomach has gone into strop mode. No more grumbling. It does not seem to be all that hungry anymore, because I did not feed it on time. 
A cafe latte and a pain au chocolat will do. The latte is alright. The pain au chocolat is not really inspiring. Chewing cardboard sprinkled with chocolate might be just as tasty. The surroundings are nice though. There is probably a reason for the food not being that good. If it were, it would distract the writers from focusing on the plot and the words. Genuis!

Now that the blood sugar levels are back to an acceptable level, it is time to get an overview of the city. I am heading straight to the sightseeing buses to do a hop-on hop-off tour. It is the best way to learn as much of a city as possible in very little time. Unless you make the mistake and hop-off at every stop. I don't. I stay put until we're back to the starting point.

Tour done. Following the tour guide's advice, I tackle the Sir Walter Scott monument
Sir Walter Scott monument 

It costs a mere £3. For that price, you get really great views and a fair amount of vertigo. Is it worth it? Yep, but brace yourself, if you climb to the highest platform as it is not for the faint of heart.
The spiraling staircase becomes hideously narrow and I had trouble squeezing through the top door with 
my backpack.

Sir Walter Scott monument - top floor
View onto Edinburgh from Sir Walter Scott monument

Arthur's seat from the Sir Walter Scott monument

Time to be checking out the malls to buy postcards and stamps.

I am starting to get mega-annoyed by the crowds that are now on the streets. And I can’t be bothered to go for food although my stomach is grumbling... again. Every place is packed. I am heading to corner-shop for a bap and a fizzy drink.

Retreated to my hotelroom to eat the bap. I have the TV running in the background.

Bored. Either I go for one of the ghost tours or for a swim in the pool. My feet are protesting with pain as I go to the loo. Alright. Pool wins.

It is a lovely pool with view onto Edinburgh castle and Grassmarket. 
After 35 minutes of splashing, I enjoy a 10 minute chillout next to pool. Then I head back up to the room to take a proper shower.
I am typing up today's the events while big band plays old classics on Grassmarket.
After that I debate with myself whether to book a table at the Heights Restaurant in this hotel. There's a wedding reception going on around the hotel and I would hate to gatecrash. At the same time, I am curious about the view. In the end, I win and book a table for the evening and for breakfast as well.

Now that I am kind of rested, I decide to check out the Camera Obscura.

Camera Obscura was good fun. Make sure to check out the light tunnel.
It is also another place to get an excellent view of the rooftops of Edinburgh. Now I am walking around in the sun.

Light tunnel - Camera Obscura
View of Edinburgh from Camera Obscura

As I am browsing through the tourist shops in search of souvenirs, there is the breaking news that Amy Winehouse dead. Sad, but not entirely unexpected news.
My feet are smoking, so I am going back to the hotel to rest for a while. While I am typing the events of the day, my sister and my friend catch me online and we chat. I end up doing three things almost simultaneously: chatting, writing, watching Harry Potter 2 on the telly.

It is time to get dressed to have dinner. My table is booked for 21:15 and I really want to be on time.

Got a table with view of the castle in the setting sun. Is this really Scotland? It is divine!
I order a large Pinot Grigio, chicken breast with a haricot bean, black eye pea cassoulet (& chorizo). Desert is a Ricotta cheesecake, lime, tequila jelly and plum compote. Everything is delicious!

I am full to burst and my feet have somewhat recovered. I decide to go for a short stroll becausethere is no way I am going to fall asleep with my belly that full. It is a balmy summer night and I take some pictures in a dying twilight.
Edinburgh Castle in the twilight

A Saturday evening - Grassmarket

The walking has aided the digestion. But my feet are hurting again. Time to go to bed.

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